Justice Africa Sudan



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Khartoum, Sudan

Religious Freedom Workshop (2) Enhancing Lawyers Capacity in Religious Freedom Litigation

In collaboration with the American Bar Association, Justice Africa Sudan organised a workshop on Sunday, August 03, 2024, in Kampala, Uganda, under the theme: –

Enhancing Lawyers Capacity in Religious Freedom Litigation

The workshop was a part of a series of training workshops addressing the National, Regional, and international laws and mechanisms which is protecting and enhancing the religious minorities rights. The workshop covered the followings:

 First Session: Presented by Lawyer / Shenbago Awad, he identified the concept of Religious Freedom and belief, as well as the laws and treaties that protect this right. He also highlights the constitutional challenges and consequences within the Sudanese context, discussed some of the violations that have been committed against minorities groups in Sudan.

Second Session: held by lawyer / Salwa Karkon, she raised several questions about how far its importance or necessary to imposing limits on the right of practice. Additionally, some cases were discussed within the legal and human rights framework of religious freedoms and belief.  The workshop also discussed the National, Regional, and international mechanisms to protect   religious freedom,

The workshop was attended by 13 legal professionals (a judge and number of lawyers). They emphasized the importance of such training, asking for more intensive and wider dialogues, nonetheless, requesting to increase the effort in terms of raising the public awareness. They agreed that citizenship based on rights and duties is a key of protecting minority rights.