The Role of Peaceful Coexistence in Supporting Development and stability on contact area
Workshop was held on 27/28 August 2010 in Justice Africa Hall, attended by 58 people mainly targeted youth and Journalists.
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The objective:
- Raising awareness of the importance of the social peace and reconciliation between the groups that are sharing resources.
- Introducing Development projects that reduce unemployment among youth in the areas where resources are common and shared.
- Bringing psychological and social stability to coexisting groups.
- Dissemination of values of human rights and democracy and the culture of nonviolence among these groups.
- Poverty and its Impact on peaceful Coexistence.
Presented by Elsir Makki
- The Role of Youth in Reconciliations and Peaceful Coexistence.
Presented by Atim Simon.
2. Workshop on Peace Building and Mediation Techniques
Workshop held on Justice Africa Hall on 29septamber 2010 and was attended by 50 delegates, targeted mainly youth and CSOs activists. In its continuing efforts to build capacity of civil society organizations and support their role in promoting peaceful co-existence in the border areas north/south of the country, Justice Africa has hold two days capacity building the above named workshop as part of the Sudan/ Sudan Dialogue (Border Dialogues) Program. The initiative aims are build the capacity of local civil society organizations to play role in conflict prevention and conflict resolution and peace building, civil society’s activists from the ten bored states participated in the training. After the training the activists will help Justice Africa to implement its activities in the ten Border States. The training also included mediation techniques.
- Objective:
- Explain to Participants conflict analysis techniques and conflict sensitive analysis.
- Explain the conflict analysis tools and conflict management (analysis, prevention and resolution).
- Assess the conflict and ensure mediator readiness.
- Conflict track-1 mediation.
- Construct peace agreement.
- Steps needed to ensure sustainability of peace.
- Papers:
- Conflict sensitive analysis.
Presented by Dr Mohy Eldin Eltuhami
- Managing Mediation Process.
Presented by Mr. Hafiz Ismail.
- Expected Deliverables:
- Awareness of local population of the negative impacts of conflicts in the livelihood of local population.
- Improve the local capacity in mediation as means of conflict management and resolution.
- Improve early warning techniques as means of conflicts prevention.
- Improve their ability in assessing conflict.
- Contribute in promoting peaceful coexistence in the border areas by managing multiculturalism among different ethnic groups.
Create permanent mechanism for rapid intervention to prevent escalation of conflict when it occurred
3.Abyei Consultation 20th and 21 September 2010
Justice Africa held 2 days’ workshop in Abyei town the tribal base of Dinka Ngok. The strategic objective of the consultation is to reach consensus, on how to handle issues related peaceful co-existence between Dinka and Messirya taking into account the Court of Arbitration decision on Abyei.
The consultation attended by the supreme tribal leader of the Dinka Sultan Kwal Deng Majok, nine other tribal leaders and 200 civil society activists, and local government official.
The consultation came out with message to Messirya tribe and selected 63 delegates to represent Dinka Ngok in the upcoming conference between Dinka and Messirya.
Justice Africa has studied the two messages and identified the main difference and how to reconcile them and started the preparation for the upcoming conference which will bring together the two tribes, the upcoming conference is supposed to take place in Kadogli city( capital of south Kordofan state) in the last week of October 2010.
4. Al Muglad Consultation 23rd -24th August 2010
Justice Africa Abyei committee, held two days consultation in Muglad town on 23rd and 24th of August 2010, for the leaders of Messirya tribe, to address issues related to the future of the region taking into account the implications of the implementation of the Permanent Court of Arbitration decision and the coming Abyei referendum, on the livelihood of the local population.
Justice Africa delegation was chaired by Zakaria Deng Majok, chairman of our Abyei steering committee, which include other five members.
The main objective of the consultation is to listen to the views of the Messirya tribes on the issues related to the future of the region. 120 delegates from all Messirya clans attended the meeting headed by the supreme tribe chief Mukhtar Babo Nimir and other 8 tribal leaders.
- Day One
The first day meeting attended 120 delegates from all the Messirya clans in Al Muglad locality for civil society activists, government officials, and tribal leaders, the strategic aim of the consultation is to promote peaceful co-existence between locals communities, and develop consensus on principles on how to maintain their livelihood.
- Public debate of the best way to promote peaceful co-existence between all the inhabitants of Abyei area.
- How to deal with the implications of the implementation of the Permanent court of Arbitration decision on Abyei.
- Day Two
- Dividing them into working groups to come out with specific recommendation.
- Agreed on Messirya message to Dinka Ngok.
The meeting came out with message from Messirya tribe to be handed to Dinka Ngok by Justice Africa.
The consultation has selected 65 delegates to represent Messirya tribe in the upcoming joint meeting between Messirya and Dinka Ngok.
5.Referendum Awareness workshops
Justice Africa held two days’ workshop on the 5th and the 6th October 2010, for numbers of youth to improve their understanding on issues related to south Sudan self-determination referendum. 80 participants took part in the workshop; it took place in Justice Africa Khartoum offices. It covered the following subjects:
- Day One:
- The Comprehensive Peace Agreement and its protocols.
- The rights of Self-determination in according with international conventions.
- Similar practices in the world.
- Day Two:
- Referendum Act.
- The status of south Sudanese in case of separation ( international law, Possible arrangement).
Most of the participants will hold Justice Africa activities which is targeting south Sudanese in the north which aimed to raise their awareness to participate in the upcoming referendum, and also to deal with all possible outcomes.